Wow! What an amazing two weeks we have had around the house. We have seen our little one accomplish so many of the major "milestones" for his age. In just one week he began crawling. He still choses to army crawl a good bit but just to know Eli can really crawl is awesome! Eli has also started pulling up to standing on items around the house and self-feeding! Yea!!! We had been working hard on the self-feeding and just one night when he was home with Daddy, he just got it. Jeff also says he said his first word "ball". I haven't heard it but I wouldn't be surprised because he is really into chasing this little jingly ball around the house these days. Then just last night Eli finally became comfortable enough in the bath tub to actually have some fun. The bath tub has been quite a challenge for us because for the first 10 months all he wanted to do was lay on his back and make a splash. We went from back to sitting up and now to swimming and playing in the tub!
These past two weeks have reminded me again how much I love being a mom. Being a parent is truly the most amazing role I could ever imagine. Most of the time Eli's accomplishments come from nothing we have done but just click into action at the Lord's appointed time. It just truly reminds me of the verses we have claimed for Eli since he was in the womb Ps 139:13-16. How amazing that not only does God make each of us 'fearfully and wonderfully', individually and carefully, but he also appoints each event in our lives, even my little Eli's milestone moments. At the close of each service of Life Church in OKC the pastor will say "God is good all the time" and the congregation repeats "And all the time God is good." I could not say it any better than that. I praised God with those words the day Eli was born and will continue to praise him for God is truly Good!