Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Eli fans everywhere...

...we had a great week last week thanks to the visit of Gran and Aunt Amy.  They were such a help to me by taking turns changing diapers, playing with Eli, feeding him and giving him baths.  These things can often get mundane for parents so the extra hand were awesome.  I also think they received blessings just by being with our sweet baby.  He is just a joy, a little strong-willed but truly a joy.

The weekend before the fam visited we enjoyed a cookout with friends.  I took yummy oreo pie and allowed Eli to lick the spoon from the chocolate pudding.  I think you can tell by the pictures that he liked it.  We've also been trying to brush teeth which has been a little hard to remember, but when we do remember, Eli loves his toothpaste!  He has also picked up this new style of crawl.  I guess he is going to go through every stage of crawling before he takes his first steps.  Oh well, everybody says they grow up too fast anyway, I guess I'll just enjoy his non-walking for a little bit longer.  Hope you enjoy the shots of Eli!

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